Amiga 1200 Picture Examples - Mike's Cottage

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The Amiga 1200

These are some of the last renders I did using Imagine.  All the objects in these scenes I made from scratch.

The wooden train is by far the easiest thing to make.  It is made entirely from basic primitive objects. The chassis and the cab are made out of cubes, the boiler is a cylinder, and the wheels are made from a torus (ring doughnut), a sphere, and a cylinder for the axle.  Not forgetting the cylinder for the chimney.  One of the first models I now make with each new 3D package, is the wooden train, so you'll see it pop up from time to time.
The Amiga 1200
Cinema 4D

On a magazine disk, was a program called Cinema 4D.  It was an older version they were giving away, with a special offer to buy the full latest version.  After messing about with the freebie for a while, I decided to buy the full version.

It was also at about this time that I upgraded the Amiga 1200, by fitting Power PC Blizzard board, as described earlier.

Most of these renders were done after the upgrades I made to the Amiga.  Render times have come down, but because I kept trying to make more complex scenes, the actual time the computer spent rendering, still exceeded six hours on some of the scenes.

By 2001 the pc had overtaken the Amiga in the graphics department, plus also Commodore was no more, and the future of the Amiga as a going concern was very doubtful.  So my 15 years with the Amiga came to an end.
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